Angel Number 1222 Meaning, Symbolism, and Its Secret

By: Lisa Lindquist // Updated: August 3, 2022  
Angel Number 1222

Angel numbers are guidance symbols for us. They are like road signs that let you know whether you’re on the right track or not.

Have you come across the numbers 1222 often? It could be 12:22 on your phone’s clock, cell phone numbers with 1222 calling you, and so on.

Well, that isn’t a mere coincidence but a way through which your guardian angel is trying to communicate to you. Stick around as I uncover the different meanings of this number and how it aligns with various areas in your life.

Reasons Why You Keep Seeing Angel Number 1222 and Its Symbolism

If you’ve been seeing angel number 1222 frequently, your angel might be trying to let you know that it is time to turn to a new chapter in your life. You need to have faith in yourself as you take the next step towards a new phase in your life.

Here are a couple of reasons why you may be seeing angel number 1222 often.

It's Time for You to Start Adapting to New Changes

One of the reasons you keep coming across this number is because your guardian angel is telling you that it’s time to be open-minded and adapt to new changes in your life.

Most of these changes may be uncomfortable, for instance, letting go of a partner, changing schools, or being posted in another location at work. However, your angel is letting you know that you need to start adapting to these new changes to move forward and achieve your goals.

Your angel is telling you to be open-minded to the new ideas and possibilities that may come with these changes because you may never know if a new door of opportunity may open through them.

Most importantly, your guardian angel is telling you to trust the process. Of course, it can be frustrating, but they are assuring you that these new changes will bring you closer to your authentic self. At the end of all this, you will be more confident in yourself and will be closer to your dreams.

It's Time to Break Free From Your Current Way of Life

Another important thing your guardian angel is trying to relay to you is that it’s time to break free from your current way of life for you to move forward. It could be your habits, thinking, attitude, and so on.

Seeing this number frequently means it’s time to scrutinize your current life and determine which attitudes, habits, or thinking you have to change for you to get to the next step towards achieving your goals.

Let Go of the Past

Sometimes it may be hard to stop feeling guilty about your past mistakes or feel angry towards those who hurt you in the past. Coming across this number often means that it’s time to let go of the past.

It's time for you to focus the energy you’re using to hold onto the past on creating a better future for yourself. It is easier said than done, but your angel is telling you to have faith in yourself and believe that great things are waiting for you in your new chapter of life.

Your guardian angel is telling you that letting go of the past doesn’t mean that you should forget about your experiences. Instead, take the lessons you learned with you to the next step in your life, as they will help you make better decisions in the future.

Angel Number 1222 in Love and Relationships

If you keep seeing angel number 1222 and you’re single, your guardian angel is letting you know that you’re going to find a partner who truly loves and is devoted to you.

All you have to do is open your heart and not be afraid of disappointments or heartbreaks. And even if you experience them, your angel is assuring you that there’s someone who’s destined to be with you, and when the right time comes, you will be together.

If you’re in a romantic relationship, your angel is telling you to love and be devoted to your partner, regardless of their flaws. If they love you and treat you right, you should stick by them.

Coming across this number often can also mean some challenging times are ahead of you as a couple. This is not to scare you but to remind you that you should always be by your partner regardless of the difficulties you face.

Seeing angel number 1222 frequently may also be a reminder from your angel that you should believe in your partner. Have faith in their dreams, goals, and capabilities. When the right time comes, they will make you proud.

Angel Number 1222 Meaning in Law of Attraction and Manifestation

Coming across this number means that it is time for you to have that strong desire to manifest your dreams. Your angel is urging you to ditch that mediocre mindset and start having big goals.

Don’t be afraid or doubt yourself because your guardian angel is pulling forces together to help you make your dreams come true.

In terms of the law of attraction, bumping into this number often is a reminder that the more positive-minded you are, the more positive energy you’ll attract.

So, you have to try to be as optimistic as possible to see new opportunities and attract other like-minded people.

Angel Number 1222 Meaning in Finances and Career

Your guardian angel has a lot to say regarding your finances and career. For starters, if you are struggling financially, your guardian angel is letting you know that things will be better soon.

If you have identified an investment opportunity, your angel is telling you to go about it carefully. While it is a good idea to go for it, you shouldn’t take up more than you can handle.

When it comes to your career, your guardian angel is telling you to aim higher. If there’s a job vacancy for a higher position at work, don’t be afraid to try your luck. Your angel wants the best for you.

What Does Angel Number 1222 Mean Spiritually?

1222 represents the need for you to engage in activities that help you connect with your spiritual side, from meditation to journaling, to praying.

Frequently bumping into this number may also be a way of your guardian angel telling you to embrace your challenges. These trying times will bring you closer to the spiritual world and make you stronger.

Biblical Meaning of 1222

Angel number 1222 symbolizes faith. If you keep seeing it almost everywhere you look, it is a sign from God that you should have faith in him. Things may not be working now but trust that he has greater plans for you in the future.

It also represents God’s power. He can turn your situation around only if you have faith in him.

This number also serves as a reminder from God that you should surrender your life to him. Once you allow him to be at the center of all your endeavors, everything will fall into place.

Coming across angel number 1222 often is a reassurance from God that he is always protecting you. Don’t shy away from seeking comfort and deriving your inner strength from him.

Angel Number 1222 Meaning in Doreen Virtue

According to the Doreen virtue, this number represents stepping out of your comfort zone. To achieve your goals, you need to get out of your comfort zone.

Your angel is assuring you that they are with you every step of the way, even when you feel alone. Trying new things can be scary, but doing so will help you develop so much courage and confidence that nothing will stop you thereafter.

This number is also a reminder that you should believe in destiny. Everything happens for a reason, regardless of how unpleasant it is. So, you should learn how to derive lessons from every experience in your life and use them to be a better person in the future.

Angel Number 1222 Meaning in Numerology

In numerology, this number represents the angel “Haami”(Hamaiah in full.) This angel symbolizes endurance and tolerance.

So, coming across angel number 1222 often is a reassurance from your angel that there will be something positive coming out of your challenging situations. All you have to do is be patient and trust the process.

It also possesses qualities and energies of the numbers 1 and 2. And since number 2 appears three times, its energy is tripled.

The number 1 symbolizes new beginnings, meaning that you should brace yourself for a new chapter in your life.

It also represents assertiveness, instinct, and initiative. This is a sign that you should always trust your instincts, as it is also a way of your guardian angel trying to communicate with you.

It is also a reminder that you should also have the courage to say no to things that make you uncomfortable or cause you to question your worth.

This number also symbolizes stepping out of your comfort zone and creating your realities with your attitude and thoughts. In simple terms, your angel reminds you that your beliefs and attitude significantly affect your life. So, the more positive-minded you are, the more positive things will turn out.

Number 2 represents harmony and balance. Your guardian angel is telling you to try and give equal attention to all areas in your life, such as your relationships, career, spirituality, and so on. Doing so is the only way to stay happy and fulfilled.

It also represents consideration, grace, and cooperation. It is a sign that you should learn to cooperate with other people, especially your romantic partner, for you to have peace.

Your angel is also reminding you that it isn’t about you, your feelings, and your opinions all the time. It is important to learn to compromise and embrace other people’s views and opinions.

Angel Number 1222 Twin Flame Meaning

This angel number carries a lot of information about your twin flame.

If you haven’t met your twin flame, seeing this number is a reminder from your guardian angel that you need to be the best version of yourself for you to attract your destined soulmate.

You should also be more open-minded and interact more with people as that is the only way you’ll meet your twin flame.

Your angel is telling you not to lose faith in finding your soulmate. You deserve to be happy, and the forces from above are slowly bringing you closer to your twin flame. All you have to do is keep being yourself and have faith in your guardian angel.

When added together, the number 1222 becomes 7. This number symbolizes perfection and completeness. Your angel is reminding you that you are perfect just the way you are. You shouldn’t change anything about yourself because you will soon meet someone who adores you for you.The number 7 also means that you are complete; therefore, you should create your happiness before someone comes into your life.

If you’re in a relationship, this number signifies the need to cooperate with your partner. If you both love each other, always consider each other’s feelings.It is also a reminder that you need to communicate more with your soulmate as that is the best way to connect with them. The number 2 also represents union, so your angel is telling you to try and be on the same page with your partner.

If you’ve parted ways with your partner, this number is a sign that you shouldn’t feel bad about it as everything happens for a reason.

If you desire to fix your relationship, you should first start by mending yourself. Examine your life and determine which areas you need to improve as a person. Your angel is also telling you not to be afraid to reach out to your loved one. If it’s meant to be, then you both will be together.


A lot of things may be happening in your life that you may not have time to slow down and listen to what the supernatural side is saying. When the number 1222 catches your attention, your angel is letting you know that it is time for you to be attentive and make changes that will see you in a better place.